Hi, thanks for answer. I have to create a slot in a rectangular waveguide. In the slot I will put some material to measure. I'm not able to create the hole, and I cannot get the good result using the function "subtract" (the rectangle placed above the waveguide is where I want to create the slot).
My HFFS version is 11.
Sorry if a uploaded all the files, but I do not know what was the correct file you ask me. I tryed to study on your example but I still continue without understand how you did the slot. I will attach a photo to explain better what I did and the file of the project. This is only one file, and I have to compress it.
for design wave guide at first u should design a box and then u must design a box in side it for define your waveguide thickness and subtract
by copy u can design a similar box as same as second box for your air
then you should define another box for your slot and wave guide must be subtract