* Project name:
WatchDog_Timer (Demonstration of the Watchdog Timer usage)
* Copyright:
(c) MikroElektronika, 2005-2008
* Description:
This code demonstrates how to embed Assembly language blocks
and how to clear the Watchdog timer.
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F45K22
Dev.Board: EasyPIC7
Oscillator: HS-PLL, 32.00000 MHz
Ext. Modules: -
SW: mikroC PRO for PIC
- Turn on Watchdog Timer in Edit Project window.
- Turn on LEDs on PORTB switch SW3.2 (board specific).
void main() {
ANSELB = 0; // Configure AN pins as digital
asm CLRWDT; // asm line, clear WatchDog Timer
LATB = 0x0F; // Initialize PORTB
TRISB = 0; // Configure PORTB as output
Delay_ms(300); // Wait 0.3 seconds
LATB = 0xF0; // Change PORTB value
while (1) // endless loop, WatchDog_Timer will reset PIC