help with WDT on PIC16F88

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Member level 3
Mar 4, 2011
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Hi guys. i am trying to create a program similar to a power management for wireless keyboards. i want to turn my controller OFF if a certain idle time is reached. and i think i'll be using WDT for this. i want it to keep on counting until an activity happens which will then reset the timer. if it reaches the threshold, it will automatically SLEEP the controller. can you help me with this, Thanks!

Regards, Brew.

can you give more details about the project.. the mcu, is it only buttons or other etc

Hi xxtigerxx, thanks for the reply. i'm using a PIC16F88 interfaced with an nRF24L01+ module(transceiver) on both sides(transmitter and receiver). i have already created a program to send the key pressed from tx to rx. my problem now is how to turn the PIC16F88 to sleep if idle for about 10 mins and how to wake it up when an interrupt is called.

or should i use timer1 timer registers? how will i set the increments to seconds?

you can use INT0 to rx to wake up from sleep mode.

In sleep mode timer1 is working so use a external 32khz osc so every 1sec it weak up you can after put it to sleep again until you reace 10min.

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