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help with school project. Minimization of logical functions

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Newbie level 2
Jan 7, 2016
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Hello everyone, :)

I have homework, minimization of logical fnction. Now i have done first part, so i just need sb to check for erorrs it before i continue on the next part which is realization. I have provided pictures down below.
Thanks in advance

This check could be done without further efforts by using some online Karnaugh solver tool available on the Web.
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    Points: 2
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This check could be done without further efforts by using some online Karnaugh solver tool available on the Web.

Thanky you for your prompt answer. I tried some online tools and got different result. Not sure if its good, as i'm beginner in here and i'm unsure


The way I solve karnaugh with 5 variable is drawing 2 karnaugh tables with 4 variables in which one of those have variable E=1 and the other one has E=0.

The karnaugh table with E=1 is all filled with 0, so I am going to show you the karnaugh table with E=0 and the rest of variables.

Solving that Karnaugh table I find : F=(AB'+A'C+A'D+BC'D')E'

Also you can use this Karnaugh solver online because they solve it like you do (one single Karnaugh table with ABC on one side and DE on the other):
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You should learn yourself and if you have difficulties, please do ask questions. I, for example, have forgotten the Karnaugh maps and tables. But the idea is that people here can help you to learn the stuff so that you can do them independently. It is not fair to post your school project as such on the forum and take help in solving. It is not fair because it defeats the basic objectives of the learning process. If you learn the steps well, you have the potential to improve on them. If someone else does it for you (well, almost all), you become intellectually dependent on others- and that is a cause for concern.

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