Help with microcoded control unit in vhdl

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Newbie level 2
May 4, 2011
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Hi all, I'm totally new to vhdl, and I have to do a project for college about making a microcoded control unit.
I have an image with how it's suppose to look like and I need to come up with the code.

This is the image.
I'm really lost when it comes to this. Any help would be greately appreciated.
Please Help!

Try having a look at your text book. It probably has all the pieces that you need. Focus on each block of the diagram and implement them separately. Then put all the blocks together.

Sorry, I think you should do your assignment on your own.

Thanks for your response.Point taken... I agree... This is something I should be doing on my own.
Normally I wouldn't have even asked for help, but I took on an extracurricular project that I have to finish, and I'm working on two other assignments for college(starting to regret being a little more ambitious than my colleagues when I chose them:razz, and exams are coming up... So... I'm a little pressed for time :grin:.
But I already started on my own, and I think I just might be able to finish on time...feeling confident:grin:

Thank you anyway!

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