Help with magnetic vice from MW transformers

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Aug 27, 2022
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Hi there,
I am looking to start a small project making an electromagnetic vice using microwave transformers.
Similar to this one.
The main worries I have are that I have 5 transformers and apart from two, they have different resistances in their windings. Two at 3.1, then 2.3, 2.0, 1.2.
In many of the videos and instructables I have come across there has not been any mention or as far as I can tell, any consideration given to the differences
In the resistance. However, in one or two it has been mentioned and suggested to only couple transformers with the same value of resistance in the windings.

So my question is, is it actually an issue that I need to take into account? And if so, how can I accommodate for the differences?

To be fair, I am not very good with electronics, I can quite comfortably wire up a simple low voltage circuit and could follow a schematic to create a bit more of a complicated circuit. But I have very little understanding of the functions of components much further beyond that of pre 2000 automotive electrical.

So I do understand that there is a way to mitigate the potential issues between the different resistive values if its even necessary, I just wouldn't know where to start apart from adding resistors to things to make adjustments and yet still being clueless about it all.

I would appreciate any advice an assistance that anyone could offer. And I am happy to answer any questions you may have.


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