Would anyone be interested photos of my recent installation of 85W 19V CV LED engines in parallel? and measurements? Actually they are so bright, friends requested dimmer control which illuminates entire side stairs and patio deck. All equal brightness and cool, but too bright at night!!
Just read Steve Winder's published book, "Power Supplies for LED Driving", so I have some editorial relevant comments to make.
His Preface was written in 2007 , so his research is now > 5 yrs old.
It is a well written book based on solid principles of SMPS Design by Keith Billings book ( who I worked with during my Burroughs days in the mid 80's ) and is easy to read without too much complicated math. At the time he was a Field Eng for Supertex and was not a Design Engineer but worked with many designers and customers alike to solve MOSFET issues with LEDs and SMPS. There are significant improvements in the quality factors of LEDs and SPMS in the last 5 years, although some existed 5 years ago. Mr Winder's logic is good, but his assumptions were different from my experience.
I consider his book excellent overall with a brief overview for young designers and advanced design info for SMPS designers with Common Problems in each section. His technical references are fairly accurate and informative to those interested
with the following differences from my specific application;
He reports ;
1. On page 13, "The ESR (equivalent series resistance) of a low power 20 mA LED is about 20 ohms" I ones I supply happen to be around 10 ohms since 5 years ago ( and getting down to 5~8Ω. for HB White.) However he agrees Zener diodes have a higher ESR than similar voltage LEDs.
2. On page 14, "Typical Forward Voltage, Vf Red = 2 V Blue=3.5V, " This may be true for 1W LEDs but he shows a graph with a sharp knee where he indicates Vf.
This, unfortunately is not quite correct. The Vf is the forward drop at rated current, so it includes the threshold voltage and IR drop due to ESR above the threshold Vt using a linear approximation.
In any case , he uses Vf to mean both threshold and total forward voltage at rated current , where it should be Vt (threshold) and Vf (forward at rated I) Many manufacturers do the same, so it is not his fault.
3. The same Fig. 2.5 for diode curves show effectively the same ESR for all colour LEDs. This is not true but for his purpose to show differences in Vt with a sharp knee of the curve is acceptable. ESR for different colours at same power are not the same, but not relevant for this discussion. Furthermore, I did not indicate previously, but ESR also has a PTC characteristic while the PN junction usually has a larger NTC curve, and I have factored that into my designs and recommendations, just not shown all the formulae as that is a p/n unique characteristic which is not specified typically. Although Cree does indicate this in their webpages for parameterization design guide of certain power diodes, but not generally disclosed as it is a proprietary quality factor of their devices. (read as ... Intellectual Property)
4. on page 15 "Common Mistakes", Mr Winter indicates "For example, a 1 W white Luxeon Star has a typical Vf = 3.42 V, but the minimum voltage is 2.79 V and the maximum is 3.99 V." They have improved as has everyone else.
Today , the spec for the Rebel ES ranges from for Vf = 2.5min ~ 3.5max on pg.6 https://www.luxeonstar.com/v/vspfiles/downloadables/DS61.pdfhttps://www.luxeonstar.com/v/vspfiles/downloadables/DS61.pdf
Also ∆Vf/∆Tj = -2.0 to -4.0 [mV/°C] ...
but it is critical to note the Vf range above is given for Tj = 25'C~110°C @ 700 mA.
This is a common mistake in misunderstanding differences in LED Vf's the reason I believe it is widely misunderstood and triggers fears in the minds of those who are unaware of the test conditions when applied in methods I have used.
5. ESR of all diodes has a small function of temperature function. However on Page 6 of Luxeon's spec above it indicates this device has Vf= 2.85V @ 350mA, @25'C which is indeed a tighter value at constant temperature ( as expected ), but tolerance is not given. The table on page 6, indicates Vf=3.00V @ 700mA, we can roughly estimate average ESR over this interval is 0.15V/0.35A= 430mΩ @25'C.ESR drops to ~300mΩ from 0.75~1.0A
6. On page 17 of Mr. Winder's book, in the Voltage Source chapter, "Driving a constant voltage load from a constant voltage supply is very difficult, because it is only the difference between the supply voltage and the load voltage that is dropped across the ESR. But the ESR is very low value, so the voltage drop will also be low. A slight variation in the supply voltage, or the load voltage, will cause a very large change in current"
I disagree, it is not difficult, if you know the ESR of your driver SMPS, cable to LED wire resistance and LED ESR, it is not that hard. Of course it IS hard, if you do not know how to get these variables.
7. On page 18, "Most supply voltages from a regulated supply have a 5% tolerance, but from unregulated supplies like automotive power, the tolerance is far greater"
This may be true from his perspective, but most PC SMPS I see are +/-1~3% and the Laptop charger I choose is <±2% from no load to full load or 19.25 ±0.25 @50% power ±50%... ie. load regulation. I believe this range is due to the DC cable wire resistance. Tolerance on a single supply is the sum of temperature, initial error and load regulation losses as the internal reference voltage is no longer a zener these days but rather a precision 100ppm band-gap 1.25V reference diode embedded in some chip. My recent installation was 0.1% initial error at rated load and 0.5V drop from ESR of cable and SMPS. effectively giving ESR of my SMPS tested @4A ≈ 125 mΩ.
Consider a 4A load @19V. Each series string of 6x 0.5 Ω LEDs per MCPCB appeared as 3 Ω total which is much higher but with 13 "luminaires" or bare aluminum clad PCB's mounted on Alum edge strips for heat spread and glare block appeared as 3/13≈230 mΩ to the SMPS. So you might understand now how effective driver resistance ESR total in outdoor distributed lighting can help equalize small variations in Vf for CV operation of some devices with a a well regulated inexpensive SMPS that sold for $30 (+ tax) in qty one. Prices may vary for your sources as much as $50~$75 for 85W.
I think you all can agree if you add a series resistance large enough any parallel operation is stable. I just have found the optimum minimal resistance and use wiring to create that resistance to be greater than my variation in ESR between devices and hence equalize the load for equal current. I do not expect everyone to have this level of awareness. Even Field Engineers who write books about the subject, so I am not surprised the subject is taboo among those who do not know how it is possible. Yet in many installations it is. If the wires losses were zero, then it might be more difficult and depend on perfect matching of LEDs, but I do not and my customer who uses a wireless inductive power sender does not since the effective ESR of that system is high enough so that CV power works well, but one can sacrifice more losses and increase the margins using a CC source.
The higher the distribution voltage and lower the current, it should be possible for a 100V 10A network giving 1kW of distributed power for lighting possible using CV DC power from a central source with very high (98%) efficiency with losses being just copper wire distribution losses.
If one matches the light engine voltage to a high voltage battery such as 48V for lead acid, one could have emergency lighting for a building from central battery power and use existing AC 14AWG wiring, modified for DC only and keep the battery charged to drive the LEDs during power failure for many hours. With my design the biggest cost is the LED's.. With present commercial & consumer Luminaires costing $5~$10/Watt vs my < $1/Watt, you can see why I choose my design. But actually my biggest choice is not the cost, but the quality of light and lack of glare in the luminares with polished aluminum L edge strips that block the glare AND spread the heat to a mild temperature.
Next I have to install a motion sensor to the timer and dim the LED's because when my friend asked for bright, he did not expect it to be "that bright" so will drop the voltage with a a diode or two as a quick & dirty solution with a cheap LED as a photodiode for daylight sensing and another for motion sensing to control the brightness with a series pass transistor to control the light when you need it. Ah say yes to Green Power. Actually the biggest job is hand soldering the wires during installation and I am looking forward to using gel-filled watertight IDC crimp connectors to tap into the stranded wire... except they cost as much as 3 LEDs...So if anyone as a reliable moisture sealing IDC crimp connector for $0.50 let me know...
Mr Winder goes on to describe how to use series resistance to match Vf in each LED or parallel string on page 19 I see now, but he is assuming getting tight tolerance is impossible. It is, if you do not know it is not that hard to achieve when you can work closely with a supplier.
But I am not that difficult to work with, just need enough volume to make it worth the effort. :wink:
Keep those CC designs flowing with low cost SMPS and try to get your costs down for LED lighting our highways, bujildings and homes. If you can get anywhere near $1/W for crude designs (read .. hidden luminaires not ornamental ones with glare) let me know. :grin: