Could somebody help me with this i2c module please, I am trying to follow the data sheet and everything seems clear until I get to the read data part, basically I know there are 2 registers for each of the x, z, and y coordinates, I just don't know how to read them and get them into variables, I am not worried about the 16-bit 2’s compliment hex value conversion because that will be my next problem....
This is what it says in the data sheet:
"Send 0x3D 0x06 (Read all 6 bytes. If gain is changed then this data set is using previous gain)
Convert three 16-bit 2’s compliment hex values to decimal values and assign to X, Z, Y, respectively.
Send 0x3C 0x03 (point to first data register 03)
Wait about 67 ms (if 15 Hz rate) or monitor status register or DRDY hardware interrupt pin"
Now does it mean Send 0x3D 0x06 6 times 1 after the other ?
Thanks In Advance
p.s. I am using a pic16f877A mcu