Member level 4

I built a 0-30V Power Supply. I want to use a 7-segment display to show the voltage. For that I selected to use PIC-16F876 as it has a 10 bit ADC. The minimum resolution I required for the voltage is 0.05V. I converted 0-30V to 0-5V using a voltage devider network.
I am using assembler for ADC programming and confused with output conversion to 7-segment. I want to display upto 2 decimal places i.e 4x 7-segments
With 10 bit ADC the max value will be 1024, which is a 10 bit value
The actuval voltage o/p will be [(ADC_Output/1024)*5]*6.
How can I accomplish this using assembler :!: Any sujjestions/sample code....
Also I was confused I am a going to round off the value to 2 digits after decimal
My idea after that is clear, i.e storing 4 digits into 4 registers and pass them on to seven segment display
Can anyone help me to get out of this confusion plz...
I built a 0-30V Power Supply. I want to use a 7-segment display to show the voltage. For that I selected to use PIC-16F876 as it has a 10 bit ADC. The minimum resolution I required for the voltage is 0.05V. I converted 0-30V to 0-5V using a voltage devider network.
I am using assembler for ADC programming and confused with output conversion to 7-segment. I want to display upto 2 decimal places i.e 4x 7-segments
With 10 bit ADC the max value will be 1024, which is a 10 bit value
The actuval voltage o/p will be [(ADC_Output/1024)*5]*6.
How can I accomplish this using assembler :!: Any sujjestions/sample code....
Also I was confused I am a going to round off the value to 2 digits after decimal
My idea after that is clear, i.e storing 4 digits into 4 registers and pass them on to seven segment display
Can anyone help me to get out of this confusion plz...