Help with Data Acquisition system

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Vinod Krishnan

Newbie level 4
Jan 25, 2015
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Hello Friends,
I am building a basic Data Acquisition system that measures a temperature and sends it to the laptop using RF module. I am using DS18B20 Temperature sensor and an RF 433 Module for transmission. I want to show the values on the computer screen. Is it possible for me to have a P89V51RD2 at the Receiver side and an AT89S52 at the transmitter side? Are the clock frequencies different? I am new to Embedded programming and I need some help with this. And if possible please help me as to how can I print the values on the Laptop screen. Using Hyperterminals? If so How? Please do help.

If you are completely new at the microcontroller game it is maybe good to get some experiance on a arduino first. Then it is easy to make what you describe and the enviroment has a good rs232 terminal in it. The comunity is very active too so you can find ready code to do what you want or simply change what is around.
If you do not want to go that way but want to use the controllers you discribe, that is also possible. You would need to program the internal timers to the data rate you need to communicate with the RF module. In this you also take in to account the frequency of the microcontroller.
You can use hyperterminal, but I always found that program not very user friendly. In the arduino enviroment there is a more friendly terminal build in.

Thanks a lot. Can we use other environments such as Docklight and CoolTerm to show it on the screen? And I intend to use NRF24L01 with my ATMEL 89s52. Can you help me with some links so I could read up and perform the same?

And I intend to proceed with AT89S52 and then migrate to Arduino.

you can send only 4 bit of data when u use RF 433 module..use bluetooth and NRF24L01 for transmitting large bits of data.

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