I don't think you need to use a timer output specifically to run a 1 wire device. 1 wire doesn't needs clocking. You can establish a communication with any I/O pin you like. However, if you use UART transmit pin for RF433 module, it will be easy for you.
You can google up for 1 wire protocol, check the
wikipedia and read DS18B20 datasheet for 1 wire interfacing.
I never used any 1 wire device, but based on the configuration you want, and by reading the datasheet it seems that you don't really have to read the ROM or write anything to the configuration register in the RAM. By default, DS18B20 is configured to 12 bit output, which is a good thing as it will give you highest possible resolution for temperature. So all you have to do is follow these steps:
1. Send a RESET pulse.
2. Check for a PRESENCE pulse.
3. Send Convert T [44h] command.
4. Wait for 1 second.
5. Repeat step 1 and 2, then send Read Scratchpad [BEh] command
6. Read first two 8 bits of serial data sequentially with LSB of byte 0.
That's it! Repeat this step with a specific interval, load those two 8bit data in Rn registers and transfer them via RF module. Make sure either the receiving end or the transmitting end divides the temperature data by 16 to convert it in Celsius.