help with amplifier circuit

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Yes both NPNs and PNPs can be used as a switch but all the pin polarities are opposite. If you can figure out how to do that with your circuit requirements, have at it.

The LM324 and LM358 are basically the same circuit and should have the same simulation model so don't understand why there's a difference in your simulations.

thank you for your help it gives now the same result but the maximum output is 4 volt when the supply voltage is 5 volt however the maximum should be 5 volt

thank you for your help it gives now the same result but the maximum output is 4 volt when the supply voltage is 5 volt however the maximum should be 5 volt
You originally said the signal went to 10V. Now it's only 5V? It's hard to hit a moving target. :-?

The output only goes to 4V with a 5V supply because the LM324's output does not go to the positive rail. For that you need a rail-to-rail output type op amp.

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