Help understand assembly for C convertion

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 14, 2011
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I'm working with microprocessors and using hi-tech C for my programs.

I have an assembly program that I would like to re-make into C. The assembly code is for a PIC12f629 for modelcars with lights and blinking LED's.
I could just use it as it is, but I'd like to learn more my self and make some changes to it.

Because the code is so large, I have attached the ASM file as well as posted the code below:


Here is a little code snip that explains my question.

Just an example. In the code he has got this:

R_CNT_F1    equ  30h          ; Counter for FLASH1
R_FLAG_F1   equ  31h          ; FLAGS for FLASH1

T_FLASH1    equ d'245' ; (1..255) duration of long off-time for FLASH1
T_BREAK1    equ d'45'   ; (1..255) duration of short off-time for FLASH1

movlw T_FLASH1      ; Time between 2 Flashes (long time)
btfss R_FLAG_F1,0    ; if short off-Time needed (Strobo double-flash)
movlw T_BREAK1      ; Time between 2 Flashes (short time)
subwf R_CNT_F1,W  ; if R_CNT_F1 < T_FLASHx / T_BREAKx
btfss STATUS,C       ; .. then 
return                    ; return

I can understand the most of the assembly code, but I can't figure out where this program is getting it's timing from and where those 245 and 45 comes in ans where he turns on and off those LED. I know what they mean, but not what counts it. It's really bugging me and I have played around with it for a while now.

I have been trying to figure out exactly how the program counts the time/ticks and decides what pin to turn on or off and when it resets and starts over. It's not timer0 because thats too fast. I think timer1 is used for every run through the program, but then I don't get why he only counts to 245 and 45 in his timings, because I tested that and that is way to fast.

I hope someone can guide me in the right direction and maybe explain to me a little more precise what happends and where those timings are used. Or maybe if someone could make just a small C example that uses some of his timings, so I can work from there.


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You may want to check the link, I wasn't able to download the file. Anyway, some general help:
The program gets its timing from the PIC main clock. Each second PICs execute an instruction in a time equal to 4/Clock_Freq, where Clock_Freq is the PIC clock. By knowing this you may calculate how much time passes when you execute a certain amount of instructions. When you need some delay you take into account this time and calculate how much time the PIC shall delay before executing the next useful instruction. That's where timing comes from. Probably the program also uses timers (like TMR0, TMR1) and prescalers which give a timing that's at minimum half of the main clock (prescaler minimum value is 1:2).

The link is working for me, it's just a .txt file put it on another website instead **broken link removed** maybe that is working

I know about the frequency and stuff, it's just the way he does his counting/timings I can't figure out. Maybe caling it timings is wrong, but I mean the way he does his checks on when to turn on and off his outputs.

I'm using the same settings as him and the same prescalers. Really hope someone can guide me a little in the right direction


Your dropbox link worked ok for me.

Thats 1000 lines of code, not easy to unscramble all his program flow.

The code builds ok in Mplab, and you can use Mplabs Sim to step though the code and watch what happens.

Use a breakpoint to allow skipping past the RamClear routine or remove that bit of code then F7 to step line by line.
You will have to change some of the code to tell it a switch is on, or use the Stimulus.

Most of it is comments and copies of the same thing over and over, so I hope you would still look it over

I'll try to have a look at mplabs simulator. Never really figured it out because I'm used to use C

        movf R_CNT_F4,W                ; get R_CNT_F4 into W-Register

        decfsz R_CNT_F4,F                ; if T_BILTZ4 is over..

        movf GPIO,W
        xorlw b'00000010'              ; toggle OUT4
        movwf GPIO

        movlw T_FLASH4                 ; .. and
        movwf R_CNT_F4                 ; .. reload coumter


Stay in main loop and,

Decrement a register
Test if it is zero
If not continue in main loop
If yes
do something
update register with pre-determined value for next delay
continue in main loop

This is multitasking. Program is not bound in delay loop. It counts delay of main program loop for number of times.
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