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Help to turn a wireless dorr chim to activate another part

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Jan 19, 2005
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Re: Help to turn a wireless dorr chim to activate another pa

I saw someone made this sometime ago but I just don't know how. Would someone please help me with this:
I want to convert a wireless door chim "Zenith SL-6150-C 2-Note Wireless Chime Kit" I bought from Home Depot into a remote control so I can turn on a glo-plug (this use to ignite the engine in toy cars and toy airplanes). The glo-plud need 3vDC to turn on. The doorbell requires 3VDC also. I have the batteries for them separately but I can't make it work. I removed the wires that connected to the speaker of the doorbell and it reads 3vDC but has little or no Amp at all. I tried different relays and still doesn't work. What I want to achieve is when the transmitter is pressed instead of the bell ring it will send the signal to trigger the glo-plug to turn on momentarily and it will turn off as the voltage from the doorbell off.
Door chim: **broken link removed**

Can someone help me with this please? I really appreciate all the help.


Added after 2 hours 47 minutes:

To clarify what I need help with on the above post:

I want to use the output voltage of a wireless remote control door chime receiver to activate a SPST relay, normally open relay. When I push the transmitter button, the output of the transmitter is 3 V for about 5 seconds. I only need the relay to close for about 5 seconds. Do you know what relay should I use? The output of the receiver has very little current. I have tried some relays with coil resistance of 250 ohm, 150 ohm and the receiver output could not activate it.

I have a coil with a resistance of .6 ohm, connected in series with the relay; when the relay is close, there is a 3 v apply to the coil and relay that turn the coil red. I have tried to use a transistor as a switch but since the coil has so little resistance, I could not turn the transistor on. When I added a small value resistor in series with the coil, all the voltage dropped across the resistor not the coil. There was not enough current to turn the coil red. If I connect a 3v, 2 AA battery in series, across the coil, it will turn the coil red. I only want to use battery not external power supply.

Can any one can help me with this project please? If you have an alternatvice way, using different method or part, please let me know also.


Re: Help to turn a wireless dorr chim to activate another pa

Instead of connecting the speaker output direct to the relay, have it turn on a timed/latching transisor arrangement that will in turn, turn on the relay.

This way you will not be using the current required to power the relay but only a small one to turn on a transitor.

Sorry but I'm too stupid to be able to tell you exactly how to do this though.
But I think it's along the lines of through a cap to a transitor base which is part of latching circuit, how to time this I don't know (but it involves a cap :D )

Re: Help to turn a wireless dorr chim to activate another pa

Please send ic names on chime board.

Re: Help to turn a wireless dorr chim to activate another pa

I don't have the unit with me now so I don't know the part# of the IC. My brother is helping me and I think he found a solution to resolve the problem. I'll know for sure tomorrow. Meanwhile thank you all for your advise.

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