Help to programm PIC18F2550 with Winpic with Art2003

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May 5, 2010
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Mumbai, India
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hi i m making Pickit2 clone from this wesite .. ElectronicsADvices: VDD power delivering Pickit2

... i have made hardware .. no problem of hardware.. many people has made it and it is working successfully.. but for making it we need to program PIC18F2550 first ...

i m using winpic and Art2003 hardware ... please tell me how to configure in winpic hardware and software setting.. i already tried too much but winpic say programming successful but that is not detected by window when i connect clone..


Have not used that programmmer but have used WinPic software.

Simple test to prove your chip is programmed ok, load up your firmware v2.32 into WInPic and make a note of the first and last byte of the .hex code in the program buffer.

Program the chip.
Assume you are using the verify option when you program the chip ?

Disconnect / turn off the programmer and close WinPic.

Reconnect the programmer and start Winpic, then 'Read' the chips data into the buffer and check the first and last bytes are still the same.

If they are it seems its programmed ok.

When you put the chip in your Pk2 hardware are you using the stand alone program Pickit2 V2.61 to communicate with it ?

^^ thanx a lot reply... i have done this all.. no doubt programming is successful but when i put programmed PIC(2550) on my pickit2 clone circuit , window doesn't detect anything.. i tried to change crystal but still same.. and checked my schematic 50 times.. it is due to wrong selection of configuration bit in winpic software.. i want that write configuration setting... thanx in advance

these settings .. i want


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In your opening post you said twice you are using WinPic software - is this correct ?

Art2003 Hardware is listed in the Hardware Configuration section of the WinPic800 software - totally different from WinPic.

Please clarify which program you are using .

Opps .. took too long to reply to your message and missed your WinPic800 screenshots.

Have just opened the v2.32 program in Pk2 v2.61 and as you can see its the same config bits as WinPic800 has got, so you do not need to change anything aprart from the LVP to ON

If that simple Read test of the programmed 2550 chip works, then looks like its your Pickit2 hardware thats got the fault.

Are you using a Desktop PC or a Laptop ? - laptop USB ports can cause problems due to there +5v current being too low.


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Re - testing the Pickit2, to communicacte with the PC it only needs / uses the 2550, crystal , R2 pull up and C4 to work.

Noticed in that diagram C4 is shown as .47uf / 0.1uf - it needs .47uf.

The other common problem is D- and D+ lines being the wrong way round.
First ofall thanx a lot for ur support..

sorry i want to say winpic800...

Are you using a Desktop PC or a Laptop ? - laptop USB ports can cause problems due to there +5v current being too low.

i m using Desktop ..but my usb voltage is 4.35volts... but i have tried it with my friend pc having 4.81V usb voltage..

The other common problem is D- and D+ lines being the wrong way round.

no i have confirmed that even i tried to change it but same happening..

Noticed in that diagram C4 is shown as .47uf / 0.1uf - it needs .47uf.

i used C4 0.1uF .... ok wait i m try to use by 0.47 uF

i used C4 0.1uF .... ok wait i m try to use by 0.47 uF


Well hopefully that will be the cause of the problem.

If it is not then try programming this code, then just connect 0v and +5v to the chip and it will turn PortB,0 RBO on and off about every 2 seconds.
Have just run it on my 2550 chip like that and tested it with the dvm.

That should prove if your programmer / chip are ok.


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i used C4 0.1uF .... ok wait i m try to use by 0.47 uF

i tried with 0.47Uf but same happening...

thanx a lot lot ... for that led test programm... a i m trying and telling.. i will reply after 1 day . i m going to Mumbai local components market now... thanx once again,..

ohhhps.. now my PIC is not erasing by ART2003... i cant understand why?


Well afraid I cannot help with that as never used the Low Voltage programming or that very basic programmer .

Perhaps someone else familiar with that unit can come in and help you.

If it was me I would start a new post titled " PIC Programmer in Mumbai Wanted " - there must be lots of EDA member around you with PK2 programmer that could program your 2550 for you - just pop the chip in the post to them with return postage.
Would offer myself but don't think you would want to wait the 2-4 weeks for the post half way around the planet !

Good luck
sorry for too delay... i made new programmer (JDM ) for same.. but i come to know i wasted my PIC18F2550 before it by continuously programming and erasing .. now it not got erased..

I gone to local market for buying PIC18F2550 but shopkeepers are saying there is shortage of it.. my luck ... waiting for it to available,,

i come to know i wasted my PIC18F2550 before it by continuously programming and erasing .. now it not got erased..

Don't think so, you can program and erase the chip thousands of times.
You many have damaged it by wrong voltages etc.

When you start the programmer software , does it correctly auto dectect the 2550 ?

When you used the JDM does that also recognise the chip.
The JDM is normally a high voltage programmer, have you turned off the LVP options in the programmer software ?

The JDM can be troublesome at the best of times - there are many posts about them in this forum.

Seems your problem is still down to the hardware programmers - so while you wait for a new 2550 why don't you see if you can buy a different Pic chip in the market and try and get / prove your programmer is working with that, so you know its ok before you get the new 2550.

Any of the cheap popular Pic16F chips will be fine like the 873 / 876 / 877 / 88 etc etc. and they will still be handy for future projects.

Don't think so, you can program and erase the chip thousands of times.
You many have damaged it by wrong voltages etc.

ya i may that ...

When you start the programmer software , does it correctly auto dectect the 2550 ?

ya it gets detected and when i press erase it show erase sucess.. but when i read back that device it again shows that blah blah,,,, code instead of that "FFFF" everywhere..
means i observed that PICKIT2 firmware has been burn permanantly in my PIC with wrong configauration and not erasing ...

---------- Post added at 18:07 ---------- Previous post was at 18:02 ----------

When you used the JDM does that also recognise the chip.
The JDM is normally a high voltage programmer, have you turned off the LVP options in the programmer software ?

ya thanx i got my problem completely thanx for your suppot... i made a JDM programmer today it detect my PIC18F2550 but when i erase it cant .. when i try to write any other hex (other than Pickit2 firmware ) it say error while writing .. like when i try to write that simple LED programm given by u , it gives error.. that means Pickit2 firmware has been permanantly burned into PIC ..

u are write but i sucessfully programmed PIC16F628A and PIC16F84A with my newly made JDM .. they are sucessfully programmed and their application circuit working perfectly.. so now confirmed that my PIC18F2550 has been damaged ...

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