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Help to create a Gerbe file in RS-274X format

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Newbie level 4
Mar 4, 2021
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I found this design on the web. I want to create a Gerber file but I am not able to identify the component. Could you help me to do it and would you able to help me to create the Gerber file. I am a beginner and I really need help. Thanks.


  • circuit .GIF
    circuit .GIF
    34.3 KB · Views: 240

Which component you are unable to identify?

The steps involved are:

1. create a schematic diagram using the GIF file you have attached.

2. Use a simulation software to see the input and output and other aspects and satisfy yourself about the circuit.

3. Collect the parts/ components and produce a PCB file corresponding to the schematic you have made.

4. Print out the PCB file and inspect for any potential problems.

5. Generate the gerber file and make the PCB.

6 Populate the PCB and enjoy your work.

You should not get stuck at the beginning- identifying the components.


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Could you tell me how to create the schematic diagram? For me, it is hard to identify because of the letter... I am a French person... so, I am not able to read or understand the letter. Could you help me?

Could you tell me how to create the schematic diagram?

You need a suitable software for this purpose.

Fortunately there are many free EDA (electronic design automation) software and you can download one of your choice.

You can use google translate to translate from english to french (and vice-versa)- it is fairly good. It may not translate Rousseau or Zola well but you will get the idea.

Once you have selected the software of your choice you need to practice it for a couple of days. Most are relatively easy to learn and you can find good tutorials in your language on the net.

The circuit diagram (the schematic) is the starting point. You can use this to get the PCB designed (with some manual intervention) - the software will produce the Gerber files for you that you can directly send to the PCB manufacturer.

There are many free (and also open source) software on the net. Select one that is being actively developed and some support forum is available.

To begin at the beginning, please take a look at

You may consider gEDA or KiCad to start.

As the given schematic is elementary in operation, you may also consider making a PCB directly using geda-PCB: **broken link removed**

You can always come back and ask if you have any difficulties.
Thank you. Here the design that I want to reproduce. Can you help me to identify the parts? I am a student... (beginner). Thanks, Anne


  • circuit .pdf
    468.1 KB · Views: 154

To cover so much ground (from basic schematic symbols, to using circuit layout software, to making Gerber files) would require that one of us write a book. To do that all inside of one thread, anyone needs to be extremely generous. And have lots of time.

Here the design that I want to reproduce
I ask myself: why?
This design maybe is from the 1960ies. No we made 60 years of progress ... especially in electronics.
There now are integrated amplifiers with much better performance. Simpler, less part count....

And why design it on your own?
There are many really cheap amplifier modules ready to buy in the internet.


Can you help me to identify the parts? I am a student... (beginner). Thanks, Anne

So, you have heard the expert opinions. But I have some other opinion.

Make this task to learn some tools. So let us begin at the beginning.

1. Make a list of the items shown in the schematic. We have several transistors, resistors and capacitors.

We shall also need a microphone and a speaker and a battery (power source).

Not shown, but it will be useful to have a switch (power on/off) and an indicator (say a 3mA red LED).

There is a level control that can be used as a volume control. So you will be needing a potentiometer with a knob.

2. I have some familiarity with gEDA tools and I shall recommend you to use them. They are excellent for learning from the ground up.

So you need to download and install the relevant software. The source documents are here:

Whether you are a windows man or a linux geek, the tools of the trade are very similar. So you should be able to install them without much problem (do not count small problems). Because it is free and open source, you can get free help at several forums.

3. Do not feel inhibited: you are going to learn a very modern tool and if you do not understand everything, that is fine.

You need to put the schematic in the right style: use the first program of the lot: lepton-schematic.

Before you make your PCB and listen to your favorite music, you also need to learn another software: the simulation program: SPICE.

This too is about 50 years old but still going strong. Good to learn the popular tool.

I suggest, as before that you learn a free tool. You shall get some confidence. So download ngspice and install on your machine.

3. Now you need to hunt for components and collect them in a box. They are all cheap but getting few at a time can be expensive. Also keep few extra (because you may damage some- but that is part of the learning process).

Once you have completed these set of tasks, please come back and ask for the next steps.

What about only a Gerber file?

What about only a Gerber file?

Gerber files are the set of documents ("files") that are output by the PCB design software.

The .pdf file you have given in post #5 has actually been produced by such program (schematic drawing). The schematic diagram, netlist files, foot prints are input to the layout software. With some manual intervention, you get the PCB design that is reported as a set of gerber files.

You you get several such files: silk screen, solder resist, drill holes, layer lines etc that you have to send to some PCB fabricator (perhaps in China). They will return you the processed PCB that you have to put your components and solder manually.

Every step in the process is simple and elementary. The product is a complex engineered object. The technology is also old but engineering has evolved continuously. For example, the photoresists used today are better and can produce finer lines. Even the lowly fluxes used in soldering have improved over time.

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