help system verilog questions

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Anil Rana

Junior Member level 1
Jun 24, 2005
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does nc verilog support system verilog

Hi All
I need some information about system verilog. Please help me in this regard

1) Is system verilog used widely?
2)can I use system verilog in verilog 2001 environment,i.e. is it backward compitable with verilog?
3)which tools support system verilog?Do NC-verilog support it?Are there any special command other than common ones in a tool to simulate system verilog?
4)Is it features both synthesizable and simulation specific constructs?
5)How can learn system verilog ?
6)How does it fit with VHDL,system C,Vera and Specman?

Hi Anil Rana,

Here is some answers.

1). Systerm Verilog not use widly.

3). Some tool support systerm verilog, pls check the user guide/release info to confirm.

Added after 2 minutes:

Hi Anil Rana,

Here is some answers.

1). Systerm Verilog not use widly.

3). Some tool support systerm verilog, pls check the user guide/release info to confirm.

(1) NC-verilog support system verilog in ISU56
(2) System Verilog fit for system specification, it's subset can be used to synthesis

Some answers:

Anil Rana said:
1) Is system verilog used widely?

Adoption is increasing, since SV is a large language, it will be hard to measure this. AFAIK, lot of people started using/showing interest in SV. Read, etc. for more staistics.

2)can I use system verilog in verilog 2001 environment,i.e. is it backward compitable with verilog?

Yes, it is 100% backward compatible. Infact SV LRM is over and above V2K LRM.

3)which tools support system verilog?Do NC-verilog support it?Are there any special command other than common ones in a tool to simulate system verilog?

I know VCS does it a lot. Mentor's Questa, NC etc. also support. From what I read on web, NC seems to be little behind. I believe you need a switch such as -sv31a or some thing like that - read their manual.

4)Is it features both synthesizable and simulation specific constructs?

Some design specific extensions (such as interface/struct, always_comb etc.) are synthesisable, DC already supports them.

5)How can learn system verilog ?

By trying it out - lot of material is available on net and tool-vendors' doc. For e.g. see:

6)How does it fit with VHDL,system C,Vera and Specman?

A good tool - platform (such as VCS, Incisive, Questa) support all of these in one environment.


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