I am a very new this analog designing and i am also trying to design the same topology..
I have some problems regarding
1)hOW would i know about , that i have a correct DC operating point. I means what value of the output voltage i should expect if I used Vin+=400mV, Vin=-400mV, what should the Vout+ and Vout- should be
if Dc gain is about 30 dB.
2) I have completly studied your whole post and I m following Structure Analog CMos Design and Razavi's book for sizing of the transistors, but i m getting differnt currents and gm values from calculations.
3) Biasing of the structures, we need some voltages can any one guide what should be the good guessng way,....for starting or should I need a proper biasing circuitry and sam efor the CMFB ciruit.
Vdd = 1.2 V, Vss =0. and my GBW and SR are both very high.
Thanking in advance.