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Help ! Remote X setup problem

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Full Member level 5
Full Member level 5
Feb 25, 2002
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Hello guys,

Who can help me to config the Red Hat Linux 6.2 and 7.3 for remote X term.
I read from the manual, and use the command "xhost +clientIP" and it can't work at all. Anyone can help me to config it and I using the XWinpro 5.3 on win2k to remote login to red hat linux 6.2 and 7.3.



If you're logging into a remote unix system and want to redirect the display back to your local host you usually have to do two things.

The first is authorized your localhost as a valid xhost which you are apparently already doing.

The second is to set the DISPLAY environment variable on the remote host to the local host. Using a csh on the remote host it would look something like

setenv DISPLAY localhost:0.0

where localhost is the IP address of your local host.

Good luck!


Actually, I have follow all step required. But still can't get connection.

After I apply "xhost +IP", then I try to open a xterm remotely. And it can't success.

Anyone can show me the steps to get it work !


How are you trying to launch the xterm? I haven't used XWinpro, I'm only familiar with Exceed, but I assume they are similiar. With Exceed I found it was easier start with a ssh shell to verify that I could display an xwindow application back, and then try to configure Exceed to launch the application. How are you approaching it?

Xwin is a an X-server for winblows that runs on a local machine. If your X-server accepts connections from a certain IP, it can display graphical items.
If your local machine is a linux machine, then the X-client (on the remote machine) should be given access to the X-server (on the local machine) with the 'xhost IP' command. (I know it's confusing with the server being the local machine and the client the remote machine but if you think about it, it's right ;-))
In your case this isn't needed since you're running xwin on a windows system.

What you need is getting xwin to run (without connecting to a server)
Just get it to run so an icon is displayed next to your clock.
Then you need a ssh, rsh or telnet program. putty is a pretty good and FREE program (

Make a connection to your server with the program (locally, it doesn't matter but over the internet you should use ssh).
Now the only thing you have to do is telling the X-client on the remote machine where you want your graphical windows. This information can be given through the environment variable DISPLAY.
setenv DISPLAY (with your IP and the :0.0 behind it) in rxvt terminals
and set in bash if I remember correctly.
check it with echo $DISPLAY to see if it's correct.

hope this helps a bit!!!



simple and straight forward.

1 . install XWin
2 . install F-secure ssh client
3 . from XWin, run connection wizerd ( or somthing like this), set it up.
4 . right click on "X" icon on system tray, click on the very connction name, youv'e just created with the connec. wizerd.

5 . enjoy

antharax wrote the same thing but i add here only that if you use ssh client (acc. to my knowledge, "F-Secure SSH client" in the only compatible software) rather than telnet or rsh, then there will be no need to set enviornment variables on either machien. It is easy and secure way.

if you don't see "ssh" connection type in connection wizerd, copy all files from "F-secure" program directory to "X-Win directory".

hope it will help.

Thanks for all.

However, I still can't remote term from my pc to linux machine.

Actually, I have done the following steps.
1. Login in linux machine as root.
2. Use command "xhost +" to disable access control.
3. Go back to windows machine and start the xwin's xserver.
4. Try to start a xterm on the linux machine but fail. It said it can't open the socket (!?).

Anyone can told me that what is the wrong on my steps !



please specify, whether or not you use ssh on xwin.

as i wrote above, after useing ssh ("F-Secure SSH") in xwin, you wont need to do any thing on either machien. just creat an account on xwin with ssh as shell.

however, you may need to do some changes on ssh config file (sshd.config and/or ssh.config) on linux. On red hat, i dont have any idea but on SuSE, the files are in "/etc/ssh". you would need to get it set for " X11Forwarding " via ssh (by default, it set to fals).


One caveat -- on some Windows ssh clients you must turn on the option to "forward xwindow cmds" or something of that nature.


I think the problem is not with exporting the display to your local machine. Just that you cannot login to your remote machine.

Try putty or another ssh-telnet-rsh client for windows to login on you remote machine and see if you can setup a connection. I didn't like x-win to do that for me.

step 2: Use command "xhost +" to disable access control.
is not needed. This is only if your linux machine is the local machine (the machine where you want the display exported to. The machine running the x-server, x-win in your case and if i remember correctly, x-win default accepts all connections)

with xhost + you disable access control to the xserver of your linux machine! This means that anyone, knows your IP, can export displays to your linux machine. ;-) Be sure you can get strange things happening that way :twisted: ;-)


yes ..

but remember that many Linux distributers disable (at least for "root" !) telnet connection, this is also true for "rsh" (i expact this at least from RedHat, because it has its reputation on strict security measures).

try to telnet to the same machien form within the machien to see if telnet or ssh service is funtioning and running at all.

Hi all,

I agree with the guys suggestion that the Redhat may disable the telnet connection by default. If such thing happen, how can I enable the connection for telnet and rsh ?


I'm running suse so I'm not sure wether this is correct for redhat.

uncomment (= remove #) the telnet part in your /etc/inetd.conf file
normally this should do the trick after a reboot

otherwise I'd suggest you buy or download a good linux Redhat book.

shouldn't be that hard to get


Hi Antharax,

I have done it for RedHat 7.3 and it is working fine now. But for RedHat 6.2, I can't find that similar config file. Is anyone know how to config the RedHat 6.2 ?


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