Help: Regenerative braking - Simulink model of bidirectional DC-DC converter

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Newbie level 5
Feb 8, 2013
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Hello dear friends,

My project is about improving an AC motor drive's efficiency by implementing regenerative braking and i really need your kind help. Does anyone have a simulink model of a bidirectional DC-DC converter for connecting a storage battery (for charging and discharging) to the DC bus of a 3-phase PM motor drive that I could gain access to?

I would be very grateful indeed if anyone is able to send me the simulink model as it is of paramount importance to my project. The deadline is coming closer and closer and i am really stressed out. Any help/answer would be really appreciated.

My email is:

Thank you very much in advance!

P.S.: The attached .rar file contains two .mdl files which are simulink models (for charging and discharging) of a bidirectional DC-DC converter i developed myself. It is functional, but it needs further configuration for better control and results. A different method of controlling the IGBTs' gates (e.g., current loop control) may also be needed in order to improve functionality. The real problem though is that i am not able to develop a proper circuit in order to control the power flow (i.e., when the converter will be in charging and when in discharging mode).
[Obviously, it is not something special. But, I would be happy to help someone (who also needs a simulink block and is not able to find anything better) just a little bit by sending (sharing) this model-even though it is incomplete.]


  • DC-DC Converter.rar
    25.7 KB · Views: 235

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