Hello all,
I am runing a montecarlo simulation for an inverter to determine delay element mismatch ,basically to plot a histogram of inverter propagation delay .I have got an expression from calculator determining the Propagation delay and I have passed it on to ADXL for montecarlo analysis .The problem is the delay expression is not evaluated by montecarlo showing an error although the simulation runs.
The delay expression which I exported frm the calculator is ((delay(?wf1 v("/vin1" ?result "tran-tran") ?value1 0.5 ?edge1 "rising" ?nth1 1 ?td1 0.0 ?wf2 v("/Z<1>" ?result "tran-tran") ?value2 0.5 ?edge2 "falling" ?nth2 1 ?td2 0.0 ?stop nil ?multiple nil) + delay(?wf1 v("/vin1" ?result "tran-tran") ?value1 0.5 ?edge1 "falling" ?nth1 1 ?td1 0.0 ?wf2 v("/Z<1>" ?result "tran-tran") ?value2 0.5 ?edge2 "rising" ?nth2 1 ?td2 0.0 ?stop nil ?multiple nil)) / 2)
Thank you