HELP regarding C++ and COM port

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Member level 3
May 26, 2011
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i would like to transmit a single character from my C++ program to my USB-Serial port device. how can i start? what c++ program should i use? plus how would i know the PORT ID of my COM port

What is the OS of your host system, Win XP, Vista, etc? 32-bit or 64-bit? What is the USB device which emulates the serial port? Are the drivers installed successfully?
i am using windows 7 32 bit. i have to do this first in windows 7 then if it works, i will migrate it to ubuntu 32 bit

If you have a recent version of Visual Studio 2008 or 2010, it is fairly straight forward. To find the current port assigned to the device, open your Device Manager, in the Control Panel in the System Dialog Window, look under Ports in the device tree. You'll see your USB/serial device and port number if the drivers were installed correctly and the USB device is currently plugged into the system.

If you are not familiar with C++/CLI, the managed C++ required to access the .NET extensions, you may have to find a tutorial, there are significant differences with ISO C++, developing the app in C# might be a shorter learning curve, if allowed.

You should be able to download a free version of Visual Studio, sufficient to develop the app.
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