Help reading motor wiring diagram

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Newbie level 2
Sep 19, 2012
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Boulder, CO
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Hey guys,

I'm an undergraduate researcher studying chemical and biological engineering at the University of Colorado. My principal investigator recently purchased a new pump for me to utilize in my research and has asked me to assemble the pump. The pump is powered by a 3/4 HP MicroMax AC motor however this is where I need help, the motor must be wired and I have no real knowledge of this procedure. I've downloaded the wiring diagram and have gone as far as noting that the motor is a 3 phase motor (L1,L2,L3) however I don't know much else or how to progress further. I was wondering if anyone had knowledge on wiring motors because I'm assuming the motor would want to be connected to some sort of controller that can control the speed of the pump but I could be wrong. The other wires I have access to are T1-T9. I've included the wiring diagram. Any help is greatly appreciated.




Hello Andy,

before you connect the motor, you have to know, how much is you line voltage between L1 and L2 or L2 and L3 or L1 to L3 . If the voltage is between 380V and 460V then you must connect ist for High Voltage. else if the voltage is between 190 and 230V connect the motor to Low Voltage.


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Thanks guys for all the help. I am connecting the motor to a Baldor VS1ST AC Microdrive which I believe will convert my three phase 240 V motor into a single phase 110V voltage which can be connected to an AC outlet (I live in the U.S.). I'm assuming then I would want to connect the lines for low voltage , is this a correct assumption? Also, on the wiring diagram when the lines connect together forming a black dot, what is this indicating? Thanks again for all the help!

Hello AndyL18,

for Low Voltage connect in the following way:

T1 and T7 to L1
T2 and T8 to L2
T3 and T9 to L3
T4 and T5 and T6 together.

If the Motor has the wrong direction change L1 and L2, that means T1 and T7 to L2 and T2 and T8 to L1.



The drive takes the AC outlet voltage, converts it to DC, then with a bunch of electronic swithing elements creates 3 phase AC. It should be able to go from full speed in one direction to zero speed and to full speed in the reverse direction.

The black dots indicate a connection or junction. In schematics lines can cross each other without indicating a connection. The presence of a black dot means that the wires are connected together at that point

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