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help on the 16F84 PIC please!

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Newbie level 2
Newbie level 2
Feb 5, 2005
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we're rying to program a 16f84 pic and we seem to be having some problems:

1. our external power supply doesn't seem to be capable of powering-up the PIC. can anyone suggest an external power supply? btw, it has to be portable.

2. does anyone know where we can find some specs on the PIC? at least its current requirement?

3. any problems regarding using multiple PICs?

thanks, need any info asap

Show us your schematic diagram or describe your circuit so at least we can determine one of the causes. For now, have you checked your MCLR and your crystals?

Its supposed to drive a 5x5 LED matrix. were actually using 4 PICs and each one controls 4 or 7 LEDs. Its designed to display letters depending on the 6bit binary code that we input to the PIC. the binary code is created by connecting the input to a + voltage source to indicate a "high" condition. the PIC compares it and it outputs the necessary binary code. were sure the PIC programs work, weve tested them and everything. the real problem is that during integration, our battery supply can't drive the PICs, but a regulated DC power supply can. I believe its because of the current supplied by the battery but i can't seem to remedy the problem.

would you uplaod this project?

I am looking for it

You are going to have to provide more information
if you want anyone to be able to provide much help.

You can find all of the electrical specs in the datasheet.

How are you driving the LED's? The PIC is only good
for 50ma, so if you are trying to drive 4-7 regular LED's
directly, at say 10ma, you're going to have problems.

I'm wondering why you need multiple processors to
do something as simple as controlling 25 LEDs. Again,
supplying more detailed information/schematics will
help us help you.

Good luck with your project.


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