[SOLVED] Help on io bank voltage for mixed signaling support

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Member level 2
Aug 31, 2013
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Hello, i have trouble on my IO Bank VCCIO requirements. It gives me a conflicting requirement error.

What i am trying to do is using LVDS 2.5 V and LVCMOS 3.3 V signaling standard on the same bank on a Lattice MachXO2
The datasheet says that LVDS25 IO_TYPE is possible as mixed voltage support for 2.5 V differential input, using eighter VCCIO = 2.5V or VCCIO = 3.3V.

I want to use 3.3V VCCIO so i can use other pins on the same bank for LVCMOS 3.3V signaling. I defined VCCIO = 3.3 and IO_TYPE according to pin assignment i chose.

I have possibility to assign reference voltage VREF on that bank for mixed voltage support, so i defined a VREF pin on the bank. This hovever did not solve the problem.

It is mentioned for LVCMOS25 in 3.3 V VCCIO bank that VREF is required to set to certain value. For LVDS it is not mentioned so maybe not required.

Also, i could not assign voltage value to VREF pin, so maybe i need to assign a pin from another bank with VCCIO 2.5 to be used to this one? This does not make sense to me since VCCIOs and VREFs are related to each bank.

Does anyone have experience with mixed voltage banking support and can give me a hint?


Edit: The device has true LVDS and complementary LVDS (i.e., emulated) io buffer. I did not find any hint on that but assume mixed voltage is supported for both cases.

- - - Updated - - -

I just realized that when i disabled the LVDS25 attributes defined in VHDL, IO_TYPE requirement settings changed back to default LVCMOS25.

As it turns out VREF is not needed, it works now.

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