help needed with RS232 programming

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Full Member level 4
May 24, 2004
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rs 232 programming

Hi Guys
I am using a motorola 5282 microcontroller in my project with serial interface.

The vendor has provided some utilities to programm the processor flash using rs232 port.

I want to develop a small program to connect PC to micro controller using rs232. The micro controller will send data over rs232 to PC and i want to display this on screen. This programm should also be able to send data to micro controller inorder to activate or diactivate a pheripheral devide connected to this micro controller.

Can you pls suggest me what is the best point to start with. Which language should be the best to write this programm.

thanks a lot in advance

you can use Delphi, IMHO the best compiler for PC; or Lazarus the freeware clone

I am using Delphi for some years.There exsits a component for working with RS232 which is called "Serialng".(available at **broken link removed**).This component can be used to read and write from/to RS232.

The language doesnt matter that much, its more of a matter of preference, as for me i like C++...

Also its important that you decide what enviroment to work with, linux or win32.

In win32 you have a pretty robust serial api. Not sure if Linux supports it now, but when i checked it didnt support dsr/dtr, you could manually access them, but operating system would not work with them.

in windows you can do it basically 2 ways.. synch and asynch too... sync is blocking calls.. a function to read or write block till operations is finished, asynch (called overallping in win32) is the opposite... functions return immediatly and keep working in background...

You can use 232Analyser software using u can monitor the port and see the data being transferred to & from the computer
you can get the software from **broken link removed**

All the best for your project

Hello I am using visual C++ 2005 express edition to do my project.
but I have problem from getting signal from the COM port.
the port is connected to the PIC through a RS232 cable.
Pls help me!! how to write simple read and write data to COM port.

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