Help Needed using Dspic30f4011!!!

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Newbie level 3
Aug 24, 2011
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Hello everyone ,
I m working on my senior project and I m in real need for help with programming dspic30f4011. I need to know how do I write a code for capturing volatge ands current from battery of 12 V.

I have already deisgn the circuitry to sense battery voltage and Current

My circuit has 2 output sugnals (current and voltage) which connect to the ADC channels of DSPIC ..

I also need to set the duty cycle and the output should be at PWM port of DSPIC which inturn is connected to the Mosfet gate driver..

If any one has feed backs or sample code to start with I would highly appreciate the effort ..

Thank You
An engineer in Need !!!

this is my Schematic for the Project and what my Project Need ,This is the diagram for my first stage :
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I have Connect a logic output of DsPIC 30f4011 through the gate driver IC, to drive the gate of the power MOSFET
then I have to Program the DsPIC 30f4011 to produce a suitable duty cycle signal.

stage 2:
Then I have to modify the programming of the Dspic to produce a signal that is proportional to a voltage
applied to an A/D input of the Dspic. I also have to connect a potentiometer to provide a 0–2.5 V signal at this input, and verify that Dspic produces a signal with controllable duty cycle at its logic output.
This is my Main circut Diagram :
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To mention, I have some working experince in Dspic basic but not with Duty Cycle or PWM..

It would be really great if u can help me

I am xavier Pereira
Thank You very much

I I know everything I habe to know about Dspic PWM ,,Now the thing is
so if i sense the battery volatge from the analog input it will covert the volatge to Digital
As the Duty Cycle will be the Function of the Input Volatge and voltage reference(ie 12 V).
I have to set this Duty Cycle Value to the PWM pin..
any Idea about the Algorithim I have write
how can this be done ?
thanks for the notes it helped me !!

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