Help needed for Project - Train Traffic Control...

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Newbie level 3
Aug 22, 2009
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train traffic control 2

Hi all,
We are doing a project on Train Traffic Control which provides computer control for the relay interlocking system (i.e. Controlling signals and points) in the railway network. To provide the software control, we need to interface the available relay interlocking system with the computer. As we are doing computer science and engineering, we don’t have much experience on building a circuit from scratch. Are there any solutions (such as interface cards/ configurable kits(eg – Ybox 2) / PLCs - which can be used to control the bank of relays from pc) available in the market? It would be a great help if you can provide me some ideas on how we can do this.
Thanks in advance.

train traffic control

There are lots of similar projects which you can take info from on edaboard and using google
try home automation projects
or projects where appliances are controled via pc
good luck
if you are still tuck let me know

final project on traffic controll

We need help in the hardware part. we already have relays in the railway network and we need only the controller interface card to connect relays of 24VDC ( i.e. card without relays). Where can we find such type of cards?

projects on traffic control

you want to control that relays using the pc?
you have the program on the pc just want the hardware connection prom pc to control the relays?

Hello nasayoo,

Sorry, but I would ask you where do you are thinking to implement your project. Just to avoid that train.
There are some fields in which you can not use any hardware you have at hand, and railroad is one.
Maybe you think that those relays are obsolete. However, the fact is relays have well known failure mechanisms, so is a bit easier to design a fail safe system.

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