i had one of those, in conjunction with a mpiweb 2000 sed controller board, it worked but it was so slooooooooow in refresh rates, the display couldn't clear the preceding characters or images fast enough, the following one just go on top of the others, after a few sec's the display was full of junk .....
it is a 640x200 dots with a 1/200 duty cycle
1: FLM or (YD) frame signal
2: LP data latch signal
3: CP clock signal
4: M alternate signal for lcd drive
5: vadj contrast (-14 to -21v), -14v = nothing, -21v = all dark pixels
6: +5 volts
7: ground
8: VEE -21volts lcd drive supplys
9: XD0
10: XD1
11: XD2
12: XD3
13 to 18: not used
19 -20: optional backlight
the frequencies mesured in the vt-100 terminal where :
pin 1 = 77.63 hz (15.5265 / 200)
pin 2 = 15.5265 khz
pin 3 = 3.074 mhz
pin 4 = 38.82 hz (77.63 / 2)
im running this panel with a sed1335-32k from mpi web 2000
and two dc-32 converters from allelectronics. All wired to use a LPT port.
But the refresh rate is very low, if i push it faster the display comes garbled.
hope this help
Added after 8 minutes:
Just found out this ....... See this web site it works with an usb to lcd interface board
**broken link removed**