Help my Question regarding 8ohm speaker...?????

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Member level 1
Feb 12, 2011
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Hi friends i disassembled my PC last month and found a 8ohm speaker inside it.. I was happy that i can use it as an external speaker.. But when i connect the input terminals directly into the headphones jack its not even buzzing..
Here is the speaker image..

Should i buy an amplifier or give an external voltage from a battery in series with the speaker... PLZ help me.. Thanks in advance...

You need a low-power amplifier, something like this one:
**broken link removed**
based on the LM386 ..

Do i really need those capacitors in that circuit.. Wont i be able to connect only with the speaker, Power supply and the audio signal..??????

Do i really need those capacitors in that circuit.. Wont i be able to connect only with the speaker, Power supply and the audio signal..??????

Yes, you do need all that stuff ..
Without those caps the amplifier won't work ..


While dealing with audio signals and amplification you need to cope with,

1. noise (use bypass capacitors for supply)
2. eliminate high frequency signals (LPF at output)
3. saturation of amplifier (input signal within limits)

To achieve all the above you need all the additional components...

You have to keep in mind impedance matching also....

Ok one final question.. If i want to add a capacitor to the LM586 in order to filter the signal what must be the capacitor value and where should i connect it.. Is it from the output to LM586 and ground or in series with both the outputs...

Series capacitor is used for coupling the AC signal to output.....

An RC low pass filter component values can be determined by using f=1/2*pi*R*C...
Rc filter is a simple combination of R in series and C in parllel to output (C in between output to GND)....

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