this is the code which is generating this error..even the xilinx support quotes the error to be known issue ..plz suggest
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity transmitter is
port (
din: in bit;
clk: in bit;
pout: out bit
end transmitter;
architecture main of transmitter is
component divide is
port(clkin:in bit;clkout
ut bit);
end component;
component parellelizer is
port(din,clk: in bit; s1,s0: out bit );
end component;
component txpll is
port(s1,s0,clk:in bit;pout
ut bit);
end component;
for all : divide use entity work.divideby2;
for all : parellelizer use entity work.parellel;
for all : txpll use entity work.tx;
signal clkby2,s1,s0,p:bit;
div : divide port map (clk,clkby2);
parellel : parellelizer port map (din,clk,s1,s0);
tx_pll : txpll port map (s1,s0,clkby2,pout);
end main;