Help me with RF wireless charger project

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Junior Member level 2
Dec 4, 2007
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Hi everyone, i wana start a project which invlove harvesting rf energy and use the harvested energy to generate dc.

1.i kno i need a rf source,therefore i wana ask how to create the rf source and do i need to specified the frequency of the genetrated rf(because i saw some project in the inetrnet using 915Mhz)must i create a rf source which frequency is 915MMhz?

2.another thing is regardin the antenna,is it possible if i juz buy antenna for radio to use for this project?or i have to create an antenna which length is special and unique for this project?

Thank you in advance for you reply.

rf charger

I have done several projects in this area. The efficiency is dismal, especially if the source of RF runs all of the time. The only reason we used this method was because they were medical implants with just a few cm or inches distance.

You are much better off using wired computer peripherals and batteries charged in a wall plug in unit.

I am reminded of a colourful express from one of my friends, "burn the house down to cook dinner."
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wireless charger pdf

What do u mean by using wired computer peripherals and batteries charged in a wall plug in unit.

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