Hi: i am trying to make a Fir Filter like the Application Note 852 (iir Fir filter) for a pic 18f458.
I did everyhinh that the paper says but when i try to biuld my filter i have this errors:
Error[149] C:\FILTRODIG\FIR_BUF.INC 2 : Directive only allowed when generating an object file
Error[149] C:\FILTRODIG\FIR_BUF.INC 21 : Directive only allowed when generating an object file
Error[149] C:\FILTRODIG\FIR_BUF.INC 31 : Directive only allowed when generating an object file
Error[149] C:\FILTRODIG\EXPL_FIR.ASM 59 : Directive only allowed when generating an object file
Error[149] C:\FILTRODIG\EXPL_FIR.ASM 63 : Directive only allowed when generating an object file
Error[149] C:\FILTRODIG\EXPL_FIR.ASM 66 : Directive only allowed when generating an object file
Error[149] C:\FILTRODIG\EXPL_FIR.ASM 69 : Directive only allowed when generating an object file
This files a part of the microchip example, i dont need to change this files to build my filter, only the coef file to change filter response.
I try to build an object file, but i dont know how to turn all the objects into valid hex file. but then i said. Microchip put bad app notes and examples?. What im doing wrong?
Please i need helllllpppppppp