Help me with designing barometer with 8051

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Oct 11, 2005
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barometer with 8051

hi..i want to desing with 8051 ..but i have a problem..I know anyone pressure sensors..If you help me to find its..i am happy..Thanks alot everything ..

Re: barometer with 8051

try MPX4100 sensor
like this

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You can use AT89c51AC2 or AT89c51AC3 cpu with 10bit ADC

or search net with " altimeter 8051 "

good luck

Re: barometer with 8051

Thanks alot to help..

i found a sensor too..this is maixm and its models max1463..

barometer with 8051

The max1463 is not a sensor but rather a sensor signal processor. It has a 16 bit ADC so it may be good but it has a microcontroller in it that requires programming. It looks to be designed as a stand alone controller.

one issue for the 4100 and other transducers that read 0 to 115 KPa is that the barometric range is about 15% of the overall sensor range (and usually well inside of that). Basically 92.1 kPa to 108 kPa. With a 10 bit ADC, you will only seeing about a range of about 150 and with noise, you will lose at least 2 LSBs or so to give you accuracy in the range of about 35 values. For normal barometer, it will be even less than that.

So you need to expand that range. You should come up with a way of offsetting and amplifying that small portion so that you can use the full range of the ADC. Look up op amp techniques for that. Plenty of cook book designs on the web - google and ye shall find.

Note also that noise can really hurt this application so pay close attention to good engineering practices.

Re: barometer with 8051

you are s signal processor..but in its applications it can be use as Pressure Sensor Signal Conditioning..

this is its datasheet...

**broken link removed**

Re: barometer with 8051

I am using Fujikura X3AM with 16 bit ADC ADS1100 from Texas Instrument. The ADC is implemented in a very small chip (6pins) with I2C interface.


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