Help me with designing a circuit for Caller ID

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Newbie level 4
Oct 14, 2005
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a circuit for caller id (2)

hi Professional designers...

i have to design a circuit for Caller ID.when someone call me trough my Caller ID...i must design a circuit than can detect phone number of caller and show it in secret number.for example when Mr.X whit this number :'647587383' call me, my circuit must show it on my Caller ID whit '2' or something else.
but i am a beginner and u r Pro. so i ask u to help me...Please Please Please.
i myself cannot design it.
the circuit can be whit ICs or Microcontrollers. giude me .

Added after 18 minutes:

More explanation about what we want...

i think the circuit must have a FF and a Comparator :when somebody call me,first his\her number compares whit the number that i put in FF and if thay were equal then the caller ID shows it in a secret number that we put in another FF.if they were not equal then the number of caller is shown on CID. so we want a circuit that can detect and decode certain number(numbers that we put in FF),and show it on CID whit (e.g) '1'.
23434655665------shows it-----> 1
87596709587------shows it-----> 2
89745346578------shows it-----> 3
plz help me.
(my english is weak.excuse me)

a circuit for caller id

FX614 from CML Micro - BELL202 modem - and microcontroller IC?

Re: a circuit for caller id

hi body
mt 8843 can help u completely see document
if U can't work with this I can do it for U as a project

I leave in mashhad

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