bascom spi avr example
If you have changed the Serial programming fuse (SPIEN) you have to use parallel programming mode to change it back.
If you changed the CLKSEL fuses from internal RC osc. to for example external clock or crystal you have to connect an external clock or crystal to be able to reprogram with serial programming.
You can't do serial programming without a clock soure.
If the fuses are set up for internal clock you can always reprogram the MCU, but remeber to connect an external clock, external RC oscillator, ceramic resonator or crystal.f you have set up the fuse bits to use an external clock source.
First you can try to connect a crystal or resonator and if it doesn't help, try to connect an clock generator.
I don't thinks you can do parallel mode programming with the obsolete Kanda STK200, but with the Atmels own STK500 you can do both serial and parallel mode programming.
If you can't use the STK200 you can find simple DIY parallel mode programmers (or fuse bit programmes) at the internet or try to search elektroda.
Here's a link for an AVR Parallel Mode Programmer:
**broken link removed**