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Help me with AVR SPI as it doesn't work whe FUSE bits are changed

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Full Member level 4
Dec 31, 1999
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I first time try to work on AVRs(Atmega64).
When try to program it with Bascom11173 and STK200. It looks it work only first time, when I do some changes in FUSE bits it then never again be connected/detected.
Now the device is no more detected by Bascom, also tried PonyProg2000 but could not succeeded.
My question is that is there any posiblity that if FUSE BITS wrongly programmed, it stop SPI programming, because there was Serial Prog enable/disable bit and may be I change it to No SPI. :(
Please help

bascom spi avr example

If you have changed the Serial programming fuse (SPIEN) you have to use parallel programming mode to change it back.

If you changed the CLKSEL fuses from internal RC osc. to for example external clock or crystal you have to connect an external clock or crystal to be able to reprogram with serial programming.
You can't do serial programming without a clock soure.
If the fuses are set up for internal clock you can always reprogram the MCU, but remeber to connect an external clock, external RC oscillator, ceramic resonator or crystal.f you have set up the fuse bits to use an external clock source.
First you can try to connect a crystal or resonator and if it doesn't help, try to connect an clock generator.

I don't thinks you can do parallel mode programming with the obsolete Kanda STK200, but with the Atmels own STK500 you can do both serial and parallel mode programming.
If you can't use the STK200 you can find simple DIY parallel mode programmers (or fuse bit programmes) at the internet or try to search elektroda.

Here's a link for an AVR Parallel Mode Programmer:
**broken link removed**

programming avr spi help

As much I remember Serial prog option Enable/Disable was in Bascom. While the Data Sheet of Amega64 saying NO for SPI BIT access via SPI programming.
How much the chance of damaging the controller during programming via SPI?

connecting avr via spi

You have probably just changed the CLKSEL fueses.
Have yo tried to connect an external clock source?

Or mabye you have set up a pin for output, that was supposed to be input. If so you could havve damaged the MCU.

pony prog internal resonator avr

I have few Osc Modules, will try and report you.
The parallel prog article will support atmega64?

avr spi programming

sadat007 said:
The parallel prog article will support atmega64?
The software is from 2000, so I don't think it will support atmega64 directly.

But as Circuit_seller wrote, you can't program the SPIEN fuse in serial mode, so that's not the problem.
Have you programmed any of the Flash Lock Bits?

avr spi program crystal

I received following reply from Bascom support about SPI bit access in Bascom.


No, it is impossible with the serial programming mode.
You need a parallel programmer for that.


About the programed/changed bits, I really did not remember wat I did because I was supposed to get back to standard with CHIP-ERASE :( , so was playing arround.

Any way I will try external clock and will report you (ME). Or else replace the controller.

avr program parallel mode

I had this problem on Mega162 because of wrong fuse bits (CKSEL and SUT).

I had to connect another 2313 with a crystal to supply clock from xtal out (2313) to xtal in (162) in order to program the fuse bits again.

Note : for the fuse bits 0 mean programmed. In pony prog checked the box = 0.

avr spi connect

Thanks all (ME),

I did select wrong OSC (external).
1000:CKSEL=1000 External RC Oscillator ~12 MHz

When I give external clock it starts working fine.

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