Help me use Pic Kit 2 Debug Express for programming PIC16F877A

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Jun 7, 2009
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I recently bought the Pic Kit 2 Debug Express from Microchip. I will be honest i do not know too much about this device.

The problem I am having is that i cannot seem to properly program a PIC16F877A(TQFP). The Pic Kit 2 programming software says it " Programs Successfully". But when remove it off the Development board and install it on the device it doesn't work. I know the code is correct. A company in China Programmed 2 for me using the same code.

I dont know if i am doing something wrong.

Also when i open it up in MPLAB IDE and click on Connect in the Programmer Tab, it says "Target power not detected".

Please is there anyway i can hook up to the pins directly on the board to program?

Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank You

pickit 2 doesnt installs

Look here: **broken link removed**

cannot properly program in pickit 2

Yes...Its a programmer to use in the way you have asked (By hooking up to the pins directly on the board to program) and you can do it. If the programming software says, "Sucessfully programmed" it means it has done it. May be some settings need to change as per your hardware and the written code. Eg: External and internal crystal settings. Good luck

setup pickit 2 debug express

Problem fixed..... I called China and they emailed me a configuration image on how to set up the programmer settings. So in MPLAB IDE, I changed the configuration bits to match accoridly and it worked..

Thank You EDAboard Users.

Also I have another project i am trying to develop. Is there any good Microchip coders here?

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