Help me to view antenna pattern in xy plane using HFSS

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Jun 11, 2009
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x-y plane antenna gain

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with HFSS when I try to view antenna pattern in xy plane. I understand that to view in xy plane, theta should fix to be 90degree, phi should be varied from -180 to 180. I did so but I got unusual pattern.

Please check attached files and help me!

By the way, the project is in a HFSS training document.

Thank you so much!

hfss xy plane view

Here is the project file

Thank you!

antenna for x-y plane

Check the file attached.
this is how you define theta & Phi.

Have you plotted your pattern with global co-ordinate system? or you have defined on your own?

antenna pattern

try changing theta & fixing Phi.
Here may be it is co-ordinate system orientation problem

what antennas help planes


yes i agree with Abhishekabs.
for xy plane pattern you need to fix theta=90 and vary the phi angle throughout the 360 degrees.

i hope it works


x-y plane theta

Global co-ordinate system is used as default. Still, I can not get the pattern in xy plane. Has anyone done in xy pattern where theta is fixed to 90 degrees and phi is varied throughout the 360 degrees?

Please give me an example about xy pattern?

Thank you so much!

Hi all,

People who have reported about antenna pattern in xy plane, please give me an example or show me how to view in the plane! I am a new HFSS user.

If you have experiences in this problem, please tell me how can I get the xy-plane-pattern in the attached project! It is important to me.

Thank you soooooo much!

Hi all,

I've got the desired pattern! Thank you all for helps and discussion!


how did you get it?

I had to set theta to 0, 90 degrees for it work right for me....

Hi mirelitosita,

Have you got the desired pattern? Here is my way to get it.

In the Traces Window, you should set 'Phi' at the first row, then 'Theta' at the second and 'Freq' at the last row. 'Theta' should be 90degree while 'Phi' should be varied from -180 to 180. Please look at the attached pics.

Hope it helps you. )

Best regards,



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