Help me to build a programmer to program the Atmel AT90s1200

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Newbie level 1
Feb 2, 2006
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i would like to know if anyone can help me to build a programmer to program the at90s1200 from atmel.
Is there a simple way to do it?


Re: Need Help....

Use this interface between your PC parallel port and AT90S1200 SPI port.

**broken link removed**

Then download the PonyProg software from:

If you want to enable the internal 1MHz oscillator (which is disable by default) check this page:

Why would you do that ? The answer in the above link, too.
But you need a master preprogrammed circuit with PonyProg software.

Re: Need Help....

The above circuit will work (mine does).
You don't need to enable/disable any internal clocks because all AVR's are configured to their internal 1Mhz clock source by default (factory set).
Ponyprog will work immediately with any fresh AVR without setting any fuse bits.

DON'T play aroud with the fuse bits unless you know what you're doing, otherwise you will never be able again to flash your AVR!

Re: Need Help....

blueled said:
Ponyprog will work immediately with any fresh AVR without setting any fuse bits.

DON'T play aroud with the fuse bits unless you know what you're doing, otherwise you will never be able again to flash your AVR!

100% TRUE

blueled said:
You don't need to enable/disable any internal clocks because all AVR's are configured to their internal 1Mhz clock source by default (factory set).

That's true for new series with 8MHz internal oscillator and DIV8 programmed.
Not for old AT90S1200. You can order AT90S1200A if you insist for RC internal oscillator enabled into factory.

Excerpt from datasheet page 4:
An On-chip RC Oscillator running at a fixed frequency of 1 MHz can be selected as the MCU clock source. If enabled, the AT90S1200 can operate with no external components.
A control bit (RCEN) in the Flash Memory selects the On-chip RC Oscillator as
the clock source when programmed (“0”).
The AT90S1200 is normally shipped with this bit unprogrammed (“1”). Parts with this bit programmed can be ordered as AT90S1200A. The RCEN-bit can be changed by parallel programming only. When using the On-chip RC Oscillator for Serial Program downloading, the RCEN bit must be programmed in Parallel Programming mode first.

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