(a) You have installed network of several hundred stations and servers on a 10BaseT
Ethernet network.You would like to increase the bandwidth of your servers and most
demanding client but leaving the rest of network on 10BaseT Ethernet.
(b) Suppose the following situation exists:
Your company occupies three buildings on a campus. Each of these building has a
10BaseT network running to all floors. The building forms a rough triangle 1000
meter on each side.
Required Result: The network must support 100 Mbps transfer
What will be the proposed solution under the above situation?
(c ) Consider frame relay/ATM network internet working environment in which the
network facilitates the transparent transport of the frame relay user traffic and Frame
Relay PVC signaling traffic over ATM. This is sometimes referred to as tunneling.
By using the tunneling concept develop the solution for connecting two frame relay
networks over an ATM backbone network.
LISTEN ,Friend ...This is a HOMEWORK ..or some kind of school assigment .Do your personal work in order to gain insight ..The world is taugh only good ingineers will make it ..If you don't like this type of assigments ..may be you should be doing something else..
What do you need ?? Do you need references for books ,, software .??
Or somebody to solve your assigment ? It only will harm you !