Help me setup a 8051 USB interface

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Sep 19, 2006
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hello guys how are you i am interested in developing a system that will send and receive data from the computer to a micro-controller through USB . now thats what i want to ask has anyone of you done that before or knows some practical link related to this subject,i mean there are many websites that will tell you about usb but i have no idea where to start with plz help

Added after 4 minutes:

ya and i forgot to mention that i want to use visual basic 6.0 because thats what i have been using for serial com

Added after 54 seconds:

ya and i forgot to mention that i want to use visual basic 6.0 because thats what i have been using for serial com

usb 8051

You need to use any USB to RS232 converter. Most popular devices in this category are provided by

This converter is connected to USB port of the computer and other side will be connected to the UART of the microcontroller. FTDI also provides device driver for these chips. Please refer to following link for example code.
**broken link removed**

8051 usb interface

ok so you mean to say that this is the only way . i have seen this website he has made a usb switch wonder how it works its in another language ,have any idea

8051 with usb

That switch connects USB power lines of two computers together. Dangerous idea.

usb interfacing 8051

Why dont you change the mirccontroller use PIC18F4550 it has a built in USB Port
so you can easily communicate with it

usb microcontroller interface

you've got some solutions:

1.basic solution is using a simple usb controller chip. using this chip, you must write the driver on pc-side and write handshake code on your micro. As I've seen, people using this solution have got many problems with writing the driver. their driver sometimes hangs the computer up and it's portability over different pc-side host-controllers is difficult to implement

2. using microcontrollers that have built-in usb controllers. this solution is exactly like the first solution but the controller is integrated in the chip. it's got the same disadvantages for solution 1

3. using ready uart-usb modules. it's easy but you should pay more than solution 1 and 2, the size of the module is big.

4. using ready uart-usb chips(or like that). there are some companies like ftdichip and silabs that have got those chips. among these, i think ftdi is the best. because of
A-providing the pc-side driver for different OS
B-having sample codes
C-no need to write any handshake code on your microcontroller.

usb interface with 8051

C8051F340 from SiLabs, High Performance 8051 based microcontroller with USB

8051 usb interfacing

i forgot to say , there is a fifth way(what nooknikz mentioned). it is using microcontrollers from silabs, these micros provide the pc-side drivers and also there is no need to write handshake code on the controller side. the only company i know that makes such controllers is silabs.

8051 to usb

Cypress chip: C7C63723 or C7C68013
Their example source code of DVK contains an application in Visual Basic6 language.

8051 usb controller

I'm quite sure that you don't need an USB to serial converter chips. As " saeed_pk " said, you can switch to any of these: PIC18F2455, PIC18F2550, PIC18F4455, PIC18F4550, PIC18F4450.

I can provide you with the code that will be written on the MCU in both BASIC and C languages.

You can check
You will find a lot of compilers those have builtin libraries those can interface with USB PICs.

Hope this helps.

interfacing 8051 with usb

saeed_pk can you please post the C code for USB
please specify for which controller it is ?

If any one knows how to implement USB interface in 8051 or ATMega32 please let me know as soon as possibl!

usb 8051 interface

I want to transfer data from one USB to other USB with the help of the MC

please help me out.

Re: usb 8051 interface

If you have the two USB's on the same microcontroller, you can simply write a program that ties IN points of one interface to OUT of other and vice versa.

There can be better solutions depending upon what kind of USB class driver your want to use (e.g. in case of Mass Storage you can perform file operation).

If USB interfaces are remote and they are connected to your uC with some other bus, you can write application for that bus.

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