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Help me modify PIC12C509 code to work on PIC12C509A

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Jan 5, 2005
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Hello, please help me! I have a code of the morse oscilattor in .asm that functions with the PIC 12C509 but the PIC 12C509 is not more manufactured, now only the PIC 12C509A, and the code does not function with PIC 12C509A, somebody could help me to modify the code to function with PIC 12C509A?

Thank You!

12c509 code

Are you sure?

The file itself says:
; Assemble this code with the Microchip MPASM assembler. The target
; device is a PIC12C509 although it will work with the PIC12C509A as
; well. The configuration word is definde in the code but if you
; programmer is unable to understand it, program the part with Watchdog
; Disabled, Internal Reset and Internal RC Oscillator enabled.
; Be sure to select decimal as the deafault radix in your assembler !

asm 12c509a

Thank You! I made this but he does not function! I am programming with ic-prog. The Internal Reset is equal MCLR? In the second line is necessary to modify the LIST P=12C509,R=D to LIST P=12C509A,R=D or it is not necessary?



Do you use RC oscilator?

py2 rlm k8

Yes Pixel, the oscillator IntRC, Fuses WDT and CP disabled and MCLR enable.

12c509a icprog howto

I think MCLR should be disabled (use internal RESET), since the pin is used for the Message/ configuration switch. But with MCLR enabled, you just reset the part every time you push it.

12c509 circuits projects

Thank You VVV! But as I configure the "Internal Reset" with ic-prog?


12c509 sample codes


You must check MCLR box under fuses setting to enable Internal Reset.

pic 12c509 programmer

This code to PIC12C509-04/P is equal the code to PIC12C509A-04/P?


Added after 17 minutes:

Now I have only one more piece of PIC12C509A-04/P and my project does not function my last configuration was: device - PIC12C509A, the oscillator IntRC, Fuses WDT disabled, CP disabled, MCLR disabled and ic-prog 1.05C with JDM Programmer. And I don't understand the "Internal Reset" option. With this PIC12C509A is possible re-programmer it (erase)?




As i said before, You must enable Internal reset (MCLR Enabled)

PIC12C509A is OTP so you can't reprogram it.


pic12c509a unassembler

To modify here LIST P=12C509,R=D to LIST P=12C509A,R=D is necessary?


pic12c509a config word

You can only erase the part if it has a window.

But here is some good news:
Since the code protection was off, you can still program bits to 0's. Since disabling /MCLR requires you to write a 0 to bit 4 of the configuration word, I suggest you reprogram one of the parts that do not work.
You must not change anything else. Just program the part with the MCLR disabled option. It should work.

Some programmers will give you a warning that the device is not blank. Ignore that warning and program the part. I have done this many times. I usually leave a few unprogrammed words after the initial goto. Later I can overwrite the goto by a nop (since nop is all 0's) and insert a new goto after it. And then I can overwrite this one too, if needed. You can repeat this as many times as you have unused locations for new goto's and as long as there is still room in the program memory. But the code protection must be off.

jdm para pic12c509

Please, confirm for me, the true configuration with PIC 12C509A is:
Oscillator - IntRC
Fuses: WDT disabled - CP disabled - MCLR enable
JDM Programmer with ic-prog 1.05C


configuration word pic12c509a

Oscillator - IntRC
Fuses: WDT disabled - CP disabled - MCLR disable

You want the MCLR disabled, since the pin is used for the pushbutton.

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