Help me make an old model plotter and write a driver for it

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about printers

thank you so much .it is so nice
but i meant the printers after computer invention

i actually have to make an old model plotter and write a driver for it

so i need to know how a printer works

about printers

That model qualifies -- it's newer than ENIAC!

Over the years, there have been many types of printers, plotters, and interfaces. Can you give model numbers of the ones you are working on?

Back in the early 1980's, I connected a Dataproducts drum printer (must have weighed a quarter ton) to my little Z80 computer running CP/M. The printer had a proprietary parallel interface. It sure printed source code listings fast!

Re: about printers

You say you need to make a plotter? Plotters operate differently to most printers - hence the difference in name What type of plotter? There are different types... 2 axis with separate x and y gantries, 2 axis with a single arm with an 'elbow' , single axis with a drum or moving sheet of paper......??????

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