Help me make a toy tank with a remote control

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Advanced Member level 3
Nov 29, 2006
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Have to make a toy with a remote control. The tank has 4 wheels which moves forward, backward, right and left. The barrel should do the same. To fire, a sound IC should make a noise, the remote control has 9 button, one fire, 4 direction of the movement of tank and 4 determines the direction of the movement of the barrel.

Any suggestion??

Re: Toy tank

AVR microcontroller contains already made functions in basic for sound playing and remote control
the directions are simply by reversing the polarity of motor

Re: Toy tank

Do you want a wired or wireless remote control?

To control the motor direction, you can use L293D, search the board for its uses or the internet for its datasheet.

For the sound, a pic micro can always be used to create the sound, you can use the timers.

Re: Toy tank


The control is wireless. Can PIC produce any sound. It should sound like a tank firing, (Or some thing similar to it)


Re: Toy tank

for the wheels: use L298 or L293 and two DC motors

for the barrel, use: ULN2003 as a stepper motor driver, of course you need a small stepper motor for this

for the sound IC: google it

all datasheets are most available at:

PIC doesn't produce a firing sound, though you may DAC to it
but, I suggest to have a sound gen IC for this

for the PIC: it's your choice, but PIC16F877 would do

Added after 2 minutes:

Oh, almost forgot, FSK radio is better for wireless control

Re: Toy tank

u can use pic r either 89c51 for this but the thing is the wireless interface just finalise it first then u can use a suitable micro controller and the sound generator

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