Help me interface PIC 12-hour clock with another PIC stepper motor controller

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Advanced Member level 2
Aug 12, 2005
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UE+MIT, Philippines, (14°N , 120°E )
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Hi, I need to interface my PIC 12-hour clock to another PIC stepper motor controller, had anyone here has a simple schematic for me?

What I want to do is to set a time for the clock and at the moment the stored time exacts the current time , the stepper motor will rotate

please help,

thanks in advance,

Re: Help urgent!

Are you going to use a RTC as the date/time source?
If so, then you may take a look at **broken link removed** and
**broken link removed**. Those are examples of RTC usage with PIC mcus.

Best regards.

Re: Help urgent!

Definitely not this one, rprodriguez

I know how to build my RTC using PIC16F84, my problem is how to create input time for alarm (In other words I want my PIC clock to be an alarm clock) then activate a stepper motor when alarm triggers

Is PIC16F84 still sufficient for this application?

Re: Help urgent!

Is PIC16F84 still sufficient for this application?[/quote]

Hi again,

To input the time for alarm, you may use a RS232 interface and then use any PC-based program (as hyperterminal) to set the alarm time.

To activate the step motor pic, you may use an output line from RTC PIC and connect it to an interrupt line of the step motor pic. Once your RTC PIC reaches the alarm time, it can create a pulse in the "interrupt line".

Best regards.

Re: Help urgent!

The PIC16F84a should be enough for the job.
You might need a clocking driver circuit for your stepper motor,
or you can also generate the clocking signal from the same microcontroller.
The signal can be fed to the transistor which will drive your stepper motor.

There are also stepper motor IC around which can
simplified your circuit.
I forgot the number.

I search from the internet, L298 for example.
Hopes this helps.

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