U have to check the work region of the transistors, specially the current mirrors, of your leg that give currents to the resistor and the bipolar transistor. Somehow there must have been in linear region when vdd is higher. You can try reduce the gain of your opamp and decrease the size of the current mirrors.
thanx for your answer but i do not have any idea about how can i decrease the psr of an opamp cause i never worked on psr before??? moreover, it is hard to say that i could understand the psr concept completely.
power supply rejection means the gain seen by a signal injected from the supply node, you need to measure this in order to have a figure of the circuit immunity to supply noise (noise on supply rails due to digital activity on other paths which are coupled to the vdd rail)
u need to analyze the circuit and to find the poles and zeros which control the transfer function from the vdd to the output, and by controlling the positions of these poles/zeros you can achieve the psr u want