help me in error i found in my vhdl code

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either there are erros in the testbench, or you didnt execute the run command.
Without you adding more specific questions, this is about as specific I can be.

Lower left corner of you screenshot ... 0 ps to 902 ps. Wrong timescale is wrong? Translation: change your simulation timescale to ns instead of ps, or pick your favorite method to run the sim for a longer time. If that's not the issue, you really should provide more detail.

i use ns too and i pressing run key but i donot see anythings

still think you're not running for long enough. Try the run-all command. If it gives you and error message, read it.

Well, you may think it is running. But it's not. Check out the "Now: 0 ps" in your where-are-my-signals screenshots. Also check out the non-zero value for the screenshot you provided with actual signals. That's your hint right there that you are not running it. So enter run -all at the VSIM > command prompt...

# ** Fatal: (vsim-3483) Delay in signal assignment is not ascending.
# Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Process: /test_bench_2/wave_gen File: test.vhd
# Fatal error in Process wave_gen at test.vhd line 31
# HDL call sequence:
# Stopped at test.vhd 31 Process wave_gen

The test_bench_2 wave_gen process doesn't work:
                  rxd<='0','1' after 15 ns ,'1' after 35 ns ,'1' after 55 ns,'1' after [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]40[/COLOR][/B] ns,'1' after 75 ns,'1' after 95 ns,
                  '1' after 115 ns,'1' after 135 ns,'0' after 155 ns ,'1' after 175 ns;

I tried it with 60 instead of 40 and it runs.

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