Re: gain-boosting
Thank you barath_87 for replying.
There is one thing I dont understand, I looked up for the equation that gives output resistance of a common-source amplifier with source degeneration,
Ro = Rs + ro[1+(gm+gmb)Rs]
Ro = o/p impedance
ro = o/p resistance of the transistor
Rs = the resistance of the resistor connected to the source. In the graph that I have drawn, Rs = ro1.
gm = top-gate transcoductnace
gmb = body effect transcoductance
you mentioned that the output impedance is gm2*ro1*ro2 for a circuit with source degeneration.
Ro = Rs + ro[1+(gm+gmb)Rs]
Ro = ro1 + ro2[1+(gm2+gmb2)ro1]
So I guess that gm2*ro1 is much bigger than 1 and gmb =0.
Ro = Rs + ro[(gm)Rs]
Ro = ro1 + ro2[(gm2)ro1]
Also gm2*ro1*ro2 is much bigger than ro1.
Ro = ro2(gm2)ro1
Is that right?