I am trying to simulate the behaviour of a type 1 PLL using simulink, the loop parameters are:
Wlpf=2pi*(1 MHz);
So the loop T.F. is T(s)=(Kvco*Kpd*Wlpf)/(S^2+Wlpf*S+Kvco*Kpd*Wlpf);
I am using three blocks:
1. input block which is a step source to simulate the input phase.
2. "Transfer function" block to act as the PLL loop.
3. Scope block to display the output.
After running the simulation for 5 sec, the output is not meaningful, I don't know if this is a problem of simulation accuracy or not.
So any hints??!
I am trying to simulate the behaviour of a type 1 PLL using simulink, the loop parameters are:
Wlpf=2pi*(1 MHz);
So the loop T.F. is T(s)=(Kvco*Kpd*Wlpf)/(S^2+Wlpf*S+Kvco*Kpd*Wlpf);
After running the simulation for 5 sec, the output is not meaningful, I don't know if this is a problem of simulation accuracy or not.
Hi yassin, what do you mean with "not meaningful" ??
As the transfer function was given by you it was not a problem to run an ac analysis of it with a SPICE simulator. Result: 0 db gain with a peak of app. 5 dB at 5 MHz.
This peak corresponds to a pole Q=4 which is rather high for a PLL.
Do you intent to design a loop bandwidth in the order of 4..5 MHZ ?
Added after 5 minutes:
Results from a TRAN analysis (step response): Overshoot of app. 60 %; ringing with app 10 periods until the output settles after 2 usec.
You have run the simulation using spice simulator but i am trying to study the system behaviour using matlab (simulink). I am just trying to see how the output phase follows the input excess phase. So I am using a single block with the PLL transfer function to act as the PLL. & I am using a step function as the input excess phase. Then I am trying to see the output excess phase.
So is there any problem with that system? should it work correctly & how to let it work??
Added after 2 hours 44 minutes:
I found this topic which contains some useful information about how to simulate PLLs using simulink.
You have run the simulation using spice simulator but i am trying to study the system behaviour using matlab (simulink). I am just trying to see how the output phase follows the input excess phase. So I am using a single block with the PLL transfer function to act as the PLL. & I am using a step function as the input excess phase. Then I am trying to see the output excess phase.
That´s exactly the same as I did. I did use a single block with the transfer function as given by you. In matlab/simulink you should get exactly the same results as I have described in my last reply. Did you ?
Thanks for the simulation results. It seems that the problem is in how i am running the simulation.
I am trying to understand the PLL system more. I want PLL specs that i may try to meet, hence i will gain more knowledge about PLL. You know, reading is not enough. Please send it to me if you have.
I was trying to send you a pdf document showing "my fluctuations" as a result of a PLL simulation - but the posting was not working.
I shall try it again later.